Rick Rubin sollte eigentlich jedem ein Begriff sein. Als Produzent war er u.a. für folgende Alben verantwortlich: Beastie Boys – Licensed to Ill, Slayer – Reign in Blood, Red Hot Chili Peppers – Blood Sugar Sex Magik, Johnny Cash – American Recordings, Danzig – Danzig III: How the Gods Kill. Seit Mai diesen Jahres ist er Vize-Vorstandsvorsitzender von Columbia Records, und er möchte vieles erreichen.
Only 10 years ago, companies wanted to make records, presumably good records, and see if they sold. But panic has set in, and now it’s no longer about making music, it’s all about how to sell music. […] The most important thing we have to do now is get the art right. So many of the decisions at these companies have not been about the music. They sign artists for the wrong reasons — because they think somebody else wants them or if they need to have a record out by a certain date. That old way of doing things is obsolete, but luckily, fear is making the record companies less arrogant. They’re more open to ideas. So, what’s important now is to find music that’s timeless. I still believe that if an artist gains the belief of the listener, then anything is possible.
Ein sehr ineressanter Blick hinter die Kulissen und absolut lesenswert.