Ruhe in Frieden, Jay Reatard

Mann, das ist hart. Jay Reatard, der Schöpfer dieser wunderbar kurzen Punk-Eruptionen, ist gestern im Alter von gerade einmal 29 Jahren verstorben. Ein Nachruf von Bradford Cox (Deerhunter/Atlas Sound):

Jay was what few people have the capacity to be. He created an undeniably classic album that contained so much pain transfered to tape in such an explosive way that it made you feel different after hearing it. He was transgressive and honest. His flaws were something he focused on and overdubbed and distorted until they made you forget who he really was – a person with feelings and a good heart. He loved music and worked hard from a young age to pursue it. He was a self-made and unmade man. I am truly sickened to see him go.

Mein Beileid gilt den Angehörigen.




3 Antworten zu „Ruhe in Frieden, Jay Reatard“

  1. @juliaL49: Noch weiss man es nicht.

    It was not known what caused Lindsey’s death. His roommate found him in bed at about 3:30 a.m., then called Memphis police.

    An investigation into Lindsey’s death is under way, Memphis police spokeswoman Jennifer Robinson said, although foul play isn’t necessarily suspected.


  2. Wah?! Weiß man schon, woran er starb?

    Jedenfalls hatte ich mir vorgenommen, das wirklich schwer zu erarbeitende Album dieses Jahr mal näher in Angriff zu nehmen. Schade, dass es dabei bleiben wird.