Eine exklusive Session von The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart bei Woxy.com? Inklusive eines neuen Songs? Ich flipp aus. Großartig.
Alex, Kip, Kurt and Peggy arrived at the studio at 8am and were ready to go. There wasn’t an ounce of pretension, as you might possibly expect from a band living in the middle of a perfect storm of publicity, hype, and 13 or so scheduled performances during the week. Nope, they came right in, grabbed some coffee, and started to set up.
During the session, they talked a bit about how they essentially formed as a band so that they could play for Peggy’s birthday party, their love for Dairy Queen while on the road, and even performed a brand new song called “103″, which should be released as a 7″ single later this summer.
This Love Is Fucking Right!
Young Adult Friction
Come Saturday
Everything With You
SXSW 2009 Session Recap – The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart
via itstoolong
vielen dank für diesen wunderbaren tipp.
ich hörte schon zuvor musik von dieser band, nur wusste ich leider nie wer dahinter steckt.
danke 🙂