Links vom 11.12.2008

  • Rolling Stone’s 100 Best Singles Of 2008
    Yesterday we gave you Rolling Stone’s top 50 albums of ’08. Here, they break it down to singles and expand the list to 100. This assures extra room for as many „feat. Lil Wayne“’s as possible.
  • Smiths Reunion Possible
    Things we'll see in 2009: The first-ever African-American president, Kylie Minogue going Bollywood, a lack of Chinese Democracy release speculation — and perhaps most unbelievably — a Smiths reunion?
  • Smashing Pumpkins – Kehren Albumformat den Rücken zu
    We're done with that. There is no point. People don't even listen to it all. They put it on their iPod, they drag over the two singles, and skip over the rest. The listening patterns have changed, so why are we killing ourselves to do albums, to create balance, and do the arty track to set up the single? It's done. Our primary function now is to be a singles band, that drives Pumpkins Inc. through singles. We'll still be creative, but in a different form.
  • Blackmail – Aydo Abay steigt aus
    Aufgrund interner Differenzen gehen Blackmail und Sänger Aydo Abay laut einer heute verbreiteten Pressemitteilung in Zukunft getrennte Wege. Die ausstehenden Konzerttermine der laufenden Tour in Saarbrücken, Lingen und Potsdam werden abgesagt. Die Tickets können an den entsprechenden VVK-Stellen zurück gegeben werden.


  1. Avatar von Max

    Vielen Dank für die Links! Rolling Stone’s 100 Best Singles Of 2008 – das werde ich gleich behandeln!