Es wird nicht immer so sein – The Twilight Sad veröffentlichen Live-Album

The Twilight Sad haben heute ihr lange geplantes Live-Album veröffentlicht. Laut eigenen Aussagen überlegten sie schon lange, wann und in welcher Form sie es veröffentlichen. Dann kam ihnen der Coronavirus dazwischen.

Also entschlossen sie sich kurzerhand, das komplette Album auf Bandcamp als Pay-what-you-want zu veröffentlichen. Der Titel des Albums: IT WON​/​T BE LIKE THIS ALL THE TIME LIVE.

We have been talking about recording a live album for a long time. We think this is the best we’ve been playing as a live band and wanted to document that. With five albums of material we felt now was the time.

Over the past few months we were figuring out how to release the album and then covid-19/lockdown/gig cancellations happened. We quickly decided that we would release the album digitally on a pay what you want basis. The reason behind this is that we know that financially it is a worrying time for a lot of people and for ourselves included. We wanted to make sure we could give everyone who likes our band one of our gigs live in their living room as we can’t be out in the world playing gigs right now. We wanted to make sure that anyone who wants the album can afford it as well.

I hope everyone is doing okay. I hope this helps. The title of our last album It Won/t Be Like This All the Time has been living with me for the past three/four years and right now that sentiment feels stronger than ever. We’ll get through this together.
Sending our love to you and all the health services around the world.
James, Andy, Johnny, Brendan & Seb – The Twilight Sad



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