Dirt Hand – LION

Dirt Hand ist das Soloprojekt des australischen Musikers Arun Roberts. Im März nächsten Jahres veröffentlicht er seine EP Thorn Variations, und heute ist mit LION die erste Single daraus erschienen.

Ein sehr ungewöhnliches, rhythmusbasiertes Stück, welches mich an Tom Waits erinnert. Roberts sagt über das Stück:

„LION came about very quickly and has refused to leave me alone ever since. I wrote it one day shortly after my uncle had finally succumbed to the myriad cancers plaguing his body and life. He was a dear man and role model and I could only liken his passing to the defeat of a mighty lion by a gust of wind. This is its second recorded appearance. It is a song that stands up to constant redressing and reinvention, more than any other song I’ve written. I quite like that about it. It is like my own private jazz standard. For this recording I provided each player with a unique rhythm and asked them to base their part on that rhythm.The result was a kind of euphoric rhythm soup.“

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