Rare ist die fantastische neue Single der Dead Naked Hippies. Lucy, Jacob und Joe kommen aus Leeds und spielen laut eigenen Angaben Trash Rock. Aber keine Angst, so trashig klingt Rare nicht. Viel eher scharfkantig und packend. Mit treibendem Schlagzeug, zackigen Gitarren und kraftvollem Gesang.
“It is a song about self love. I think we’re quick to judge the term & deem it laughable or irrelevant in fear of being arrogant, or weird. But if you take a hard look at the society we live in, it’s clear to see why so many people struggle to feel content in their own minds and their own bodies. I’ve always struggled with myself and it sickens me to think that so many other people feel the same. It needs to change.”